This Is Heartbreaking: As 2X Ms Fitness Olympia Bows Out After an Injury,Bodybuilding World I

Publish date: 2024-04-28

In the world of bodybuilding, despite years of dedication towards building the most magnificent physique, your shot at glory can whither away in a fraction of a second. Getting injured as a bodybuilder is one of the major drawbacks that cost them their careers at large. After the Pre-judging concluded for Ms. Fitness Olympia, something horrific happened this year, which left the fans stunned and the entire bodybuilding community in utter shock.

Melissa Truscott, more popularly known as Missy Truscott, is 2 times Ms Fitness Olympia. Not only that, she has also been adorned with the Arnold Classic title twice before as well. The IFBB Pro fitness model, who was all set for this year’s Olympia, however, had to withdraw from the stage at the last moment. Let us find out what happened.

The sad turn of events that led to Melissa Truscott’s exit from Mr. Olympia 2023

Even as a recent Instagram post by @bisandtris, featured Truscott, the news that adjoined the photo was rather shocking to her fandom. In the caption of the post, it was written that the female bodybuilder recently suffered an injury and thus could not finish her routine. It stated, “@ifbbmissytruscott suffered an injury during finals that stopped her from finishing her routine.”

Moreover, the saddest part of the whole incident lies in the fact that despite all odds, Missy was ranked first in the course of Pre-judging. As she got injured and was unable to finish her routine, the bodybuilding community found it extremely disheartening.

When fans were hit with the horrific news, they could not restrain their emotions. Fans came in numbers to pray for her speedy recovery.

Disheartened fans pray for Missy’s speedy recovery

One of the fans said, “@ifbbmissytruscott could win figure championships. Wishing her a speedy recovery.” While another fan remorsefully wished for her recovery, “So heartbroken for her.. hopefully she will have a super speedy recovery.” Yet another fan commented, “She remains first in our hearts it was heartbreaking to see that. She’s a fighter. She’ll rise even stronger.” Another user termed the situation, “Devastating.” Revealing their concern for the bodybuilding star one user wrote, “This is heartbreaking. What an incredible athlete and a dominating performance in prejudging. She will bounce back!”

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In the world of bodybuilding, injury, and accident can turn the wheel of one’s fate within instances. This Olympia has seen a few such occurrences with Nick Walker also pulling out of the competition because of an injury. Can you recall another bodybuilder who got recently injured? Let us know what you think of them and their injury.

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