The Real History Game Of Thrones Is Based On

Publish date: 2024-03-26

The first time you saw the Dothraki, you didn't say, "Hmm, where have I seen those guys before," you said, "oh, the Mongols." Because the Dothraki aren't just sort of similar to the Mongols, they're pretty much exactly like the Mongols. Their leader is a "khal," and the Mongol leader was a "khan," and also George R. R. pretty much said they were based on the Mongols, though he also said he added elements of the steppe tribes and American Indian plains tribes.

Still, Martin has been criticized for his portrayal of the Dothraki because they are kind of the stereotypical "noble savage," but he excuses the portrayal because he says it aligns with the true nature of the historical Mongols. "Even at the height of their sophistication they were fond of doing things like giant piles of heads," he told Gizmodo. "'Surrender your city to me, or we will come in and kill all the men, rape all the women, and make a giant pile of heads.'"

Well, that does sound an awful lot like the Dothraki.
