Hogwarts Legacy collection chests | all locations revealed

Publish date: 2024-03-18

There are more collectables in Hogwarts Legacy than you can shake a wand at, with even chests having different types to track down and collect.


There are the classic regular chests with random gear, eyeball chests that contain gold and collection chests, which contain either cosmetic wand parts or conjuration recipes.

Now with nearly 200 of the collection chests alone, it's going to take a fair bit of effort to find them all even with magic - luckily, however, we're here to help with a full list of the hidden collectables throughout the game.

So without further ado, let's get started.

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Hogwarts Legacy collection chests: All locations revealed

There are 155 collection chests to find in Hogwarts Legacy, so you'll want to whip through the map faster than a Firebolt to get them all in one sitting!

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Luckily, Collection Chests can be tracked by the collectable count on the map.

Collection Chests are usually hidden away, so be prepared - in the castle, they can often be found behind door puzzles or through Hogwarts Secrets, while many in Hogsmeade require Alohomora first.

You'll need to do a bit of story progress first then, but once you're clued up, here's where you can find all the collection chests:

Hogwarts Grounds

For a visual guide of the Collection Chests inside Hogwarts Grounds, check out this video from Youtuber WoW Quests:


Hogsmeade Valley

North Hogwarts Region

South Hogwarts Region

Hogwarts Valley

North Ford Bog

Feldcroft Region

Forbidden Forest

South Sea Bog

Poidsear Coast

Marunweem Lake

Manor Cape


Clagmar Coast

Read more on Hogwarts Legacy:

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