The Meaning Behind The Song: Angel by Sarah McLachlan

Publish date: 2024-03-29


Music has the power to touch our hearts and move our souls in ways that few things can. A perfect example of this is Sarah McLachlan’s timeless classic, “Angel.” Released in 1998, this song has touched the lives of millions of people around the world and has become a symbol of hope, love, and comfort for people going through tough times. But what is the meaning behind this beautiful song? In this article, we will explore the deeper layers of Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel” and the message that it conveys.

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The Inspiration Behind The Song

As with many great pieces of art, the inspiration behind “Angel” was born out of tragedy. In an interview with CBC Radio, Sarah McLachlan revealed that the death of Jonathan Melvoin, the Smashing Pumpkins keyboardist, was the catalyst for her writing the song. Melvoin died of a heroin overdose in 1996, and this event left a profound impact on McLachlan.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of “Angel” are simple yet powerful, and they resonate with people on a deep emotional level. The song begins with the lines:

“Spend all your time waiting
For that second chance
For a break that would make it okay
There’s always some reason
To feel not good enough
And it’s hard at the end of the day”

These lines speak to the universal human experience of waiting for something that can change our lives. Whether it’s a second chance, a break, or a stroke of luck, we all hope for something that can make everything okay. But life is never that simple, and there are always obstacles and challenges that make us feel like we’re not good enough.

The chorus of the song is perhaps the most powerful part, with the lines:

“In the arms of the angel
Fly away from here
From this dark, cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear”

These lines speak to the idea of finding comfort and solace in something higher than ourselves. The image of being cradled in the arms of an angel and flying away from a dark and cold place is a potent metaphor for transcending our pain and suffering and finding peace.

The Deeper Meaning

While the lyrics of “Angel” are straightforward, the deeper meaning of the song is more complex. On one level, the song is about finding comfort and hope in difficult times. It’s a reminder that even in the darkest moments, we are not alone and that there is always something or someone that can help us.

On another level, the song is about addiction and the toll it takes on people’s lives. McLachlan has said in interviews that the song was written as a tribute to Melvoin, who struggled with addiction for many years. The image of flying away from a cold and dark room is a metaphor for getting away from the cycle of addiction and finding a way out.

The Legacy of “Angel”

Since its release in 1998, “Angel” has become a fixture of popular culture and has been used in countless films, TV shows, and commercials. It has also been covered by many artists, including Christina Perri, who performed it on the hit TV show, “So You Think You Can Dance.”

But perhaps the most significant legacy of “Angel” is the impact it has had on people’s lives. The song has touched millions of people around the world and has given them comfort and hope during difficult times. It has become a symbol of love and compassion, and its message continues to resonate with people to this day.

The Power of Music

Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel” is a perfect example of the power of music to touch people’s hearts and souls. Through its simple yet powerful lyrics and haunting melody, the song conveys a message of hope, love, and comfort that has inspired and comforted millions of people around the world. Its legacy is a reminder that music has the power to transcend language, culture, and borders and that it can unite us in our shared humanity. As McLachlan herself once said, “Music is healing.” And for those who have been touched by “Angel,” that healing is a precious gift.
