Pathfinder 2E - Treat Wounds and Continual Recovery feat.

Publish date: 2024-04-15

I would say that Continual Recovery doesn't interact with that special case of Treat Wounds. If you make the check, you can Treat Wounds for an hour to heal twice the normal amount. Or you could use Continual Recovery to heal six times that amount.

I agree; Continual Recovery does not remove the standard option to keep treating for an hour so you can still do so, but if so you are not benefiting from the feat. OTOH, to take advantage of the feat you need to stop treating after ten minutes and start again, which precludes taking advantage of the keep going-for-an-hour option.

So you have to pick one or the other.

In practice, it will almost always be more advantageous to use the feat, but there might be the odd edge case - if the first roll was benefiting from a significant one-shot bonus that the rest will not, for example. Especially if the first roll was a crit, rolled above average healing, barely succeeded, or some combination thereof.
