Dont Tell the Bride: How many divorces? How many didnt get married? Mon 9 November 2020 1

Publish date: 2024-05-09

Don’t Tell the Bride is arguably one of the most entertaining programs on Channel 4.

Lucky for fans of the show, old episodes are available on the Channel 4 hub and the first season is also on Netflix  – so get set for tears, tantrums and divorce threats!

For example, the 2019 series kicked off its first episode with a Game Of Thrones wedding shocker featuring red capes, suits of armour and giant dragons. And the rest of the series is set to be on par with the GOT bizarreness.

Here’s a recap of some of the most memorable moments on the show, including the worst episode of the series.

Don't Tell The Bride how many divorces Shot: Don’t Tell the Bride 2019 – Channel 4

What’s the worst episode of Don’t Tell the Bride?

Back in 2010, we got to see Kaleigh and Simon marry after six years of dating.

In season 4 episode 6, Simon decided to hold their wedding 5,000 miles away in Las Vegas.

Kaleigh – similar to most brides – wanted to have a traditional wedding in a stately home. She specifically stated she did not want anything tacky.

Lo and behold, Simon went ahead and booked the wedding, with a budget that didn’t permit the bride’s siblings to join.

Kaleigh was not impressed, called the wedding off more than once and said:

You’ve ripped the whole family apart.

Many viewers of the episode took to Twitter to highlight how badly things went down. One wrote: “Best don’t tell the bride…the grooms an utter melt tho….not inviting ya Mrs sister or brother to the wedding in vegas.”

Don't Tell the Bride how many divorces Don’t Tell the Bride S4 E6 Kaleigh and Simon.

Don’t Tell the Bride: How many divorces?

Although Kaleigh and Simon had a tough time of it on Don’t Tell the Bride, they still tied the knot in the end.

There’s only ever been one couple to completely call off their wedding on the show.

In series 8 episode 18, Craig and Sofia never formalized their wedding vows. It was only done for the show.’t Tell the Bride how many divorces? e18 Craig and Sofia 2017

Sofia was horrified at the Oktoberfest-themed wedding her husband had arranged and could barely look Craig in the eye.

Craig and Sofia decided not to marry legally and went off to work on their relationship…’t Tell the Bride 2017 e18 Craig and Sofia

Don’t Tell the Bride 2019

Social media has it that Simon and Kaleigh’s Vegas disaster wedding can’t be topped.

But we’re sure Channel 4’s got some goodies up its sleeve for the 2019 series. The budget has risen to £13,000 giving the grooms even more cash to mess things up!

Get ready to shout at your TV screens, folks. The grooms and their poor excuses for best men are back!

Don't Tell The Bride: How many divorces?’t Tell the Bride: How many divorces? Lucy and Reece

